Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Clean Cleanse Day Two: 19 to go

Monday, July 22nd:

I spent my first night at the new apartment last night!  It's so nice and I can't wait to have everything set up and make it our home.  I woke up to intense pain from my toe, but suffered through it and got ready for work.  I went to my old apartment down the street to get ready and to make my breakfast shake.   For my breakfast shake I used vanilla shake mix, frozen raspberries, fresh blueberries, one stevia packet, ice and one cup of unsweetened almond milk.  It wasn't too bad. Plus I took my supplements and my probiotic pill.

For lunch I had a leftover Asian Turkey Burger and served it over fresh spinach.  It was delicious, but honestly I've lost my appetite since I hurt my toe!  I forced myself to eat most of it.  After lunch I decided to visit my doctor.  She drained blood from under my toe nail and now I'm feeling much better!  Once I got back I had a gala apple and raw almonds for a snack.

By the time I got home from work it was around 7:00pm and I was hungry.  I used a chocolate shake mix, fresh blueberries, frozen raspberries, one packet of stevia, ice, and one cup of almond milk.  Tomorrow I promise I will try something else with my shakes!  Things have just been so hectic and that combination is tasty and easy.  I also took my supplements and a probiotic.

Once David got home we moved a bunch of my stuff over to the new place.  I was getting very uncomfortable with my foot, so I decided to take it easy.  At around 9:30pm I started to get a headache.  I think it is from hunger, although I'm not aching for food.  I'm trying to avoid taking advil because of the cleanse, so I'm going to go to bed instead.  I thought to myself today, it's actually a good thing to be so busy while doing this cleanse...I almost forget I'm hungry!  My toe is feeling better and I think tomorrow is going to be a great day!

Signing out.

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