Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Daily Crack

McDonalds Iced Coffee. My drug of choice: Sugar Free Vanilla Iced Coffee.
Go. Buy. A. Cup.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


So my sister, Ashley, came in town last week for our Big Fat Cuban Reunion. We were laying in bed watching a Jersey Shore re-run and she looked at me and said, "Let's go to Jersey for my Bachelorette Party!" My immediate response was "OMG, get engaged right now."

How amazing would a Fist Pumping, Guidette Bachelorette Party be?!?! Even though Ashley is not engaged, I am going to start planning her bachelorette party right now since I'm the Maid of Honor. She hasn't asked me yet or anything, but I am her only sister, so its okay if I just assume the position, right? Okay, yeah, I thought so too.

So you maybe asking yourself, what do Fist Pumping Guidettes do on a Bachelorette Party? Here is the list:

1. First and foremost, nicknames. We must all have nicknames. For example, a possible nickname for me could be "A-Powww."

2. We must GTL before the trip, Gym Tan Laundry. Must be buff, must be bronze, and must be bangin in our white tee's.

3. We must go shopping at 579 or Rainbow for our attire. Think cropped shirts, short shorts and an animal print dress for the Bride (preferably zebra print). We will need big hoops, big heels, big sunglasses, french manicure fake nails, trucker hats and of course a Coach or LV Purse to complete the ensemble.

4. Must all have the poof, everyone must have a bumpits in their hair at all times, even in bed. I'm talking about the Hollywood bumpit. Nothing else will do.

Bump...bump, bump it up

5. We must master the myspace picture pose. Kissy face, chukin the deuce kinda pose people.

Dats wat I'm twalkin' bout

This is my sister, Ashley. Already a pro at the kissy face! LYLAS!

6. We must find tan, sexy, gorilla men to fistpump with at da club.

Will you marry my sister, Superman? See above pic.

7. Everyone must get Henna Tattoos on low back (or a real tattoo if they are feeling frisky).

8. The only kind of food allowed on the trip will be Italian. If you don't like Italian food get the Eff out of Jersey.

MAHHH! Gimme some Meatballs!

9. Everyone has to talk with a Jersey accent, even if it sucks.

10. Last and most importantly, everyone must fist pump all day, everyday.

Y'all Feelz Me?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Something Old, Something New

I know I've been MIA, so please accept my apology.

So I have moved back in with my grandparents. Remember them? I'm in the middle of relocating with Hertz, Sarah (my old roommate) got engaged (YAY!), so it was good timing to move back in with the ole ball and chains!

(Belita and Belo)

They just celebrated their 58th Wedding Anniversary! 58 years! Belo said, "I been with her my whole life, sisty fie chears" (65 years). So Belita made us steaks and we drank wine. I love my new roommates! So in honor of their milestone I am going to tell you some of my favorite Belita and Belo stories. I like to call them "Cuban Socialites."

1 They went to Mexico for a month long honeymoon. On this honeymoon they swam in a pool covered with flowers, had cocktails on the President of Argentina's yacht, and danced in a club where you had to take your shoes off because the tide covers the dance floor.

2 They spent four years apart while Belita was in America and Belo was still in Cuba.

3 I love their daily routine. It does not change. I hate change. Belita watches her Spanish Soap Operas on Telemundo and Belo takes two hours to get ready everyday.

4 I love when they tell me about their wedding day. And I'm even more grateful they were able to get some photos from Cuba of that day. It was the epitome of elegance and beauty. I mean they were, after all, Cuban Socialites. (side note: my scanner is in storage, so I can't upload pictures from their wedding).

This weekend we are celebrating Belo and Belita's 80th Birthdays! My entire Cuban family is coming to Baton Rouge and we are having a big dinner at Jubans. It will be a weekend full of love, family, wine and drama. I will fill everyone in on my Big Fat Cuban Reunion next week! ADIOS AMIGOS!

Te Quiero Mucho,

That Cuban Girl