I have a crush. A big crush. An illegal big crush. On Nick Jonas. Did I mention he is the youngest of the three Jonas Brothers? If you would have asked me 2 months ago who the Jonas Brothers were, I wouldn't have had a clue...
This is all SNL's fault. I was watching SNL (by myself) one Saturday Night and the Jonas Brothers were the musical guests. Just great...
In the beginning of this SNL episode the Jonas Brothers did a skit with the guest star that night, Alec Baldwin, I still didn't think anything of those 3 brothers. Then it was time for their performance. They started playing and I fell in love. I had no idea how old they were, but I knew they were youngins. So during SNL they played a couple of songs. I grabbed my computer and decided to do a little "Brother's Research." What do I find out? Nick is 16 (SIXTEEN)! His birthday is 9/16/1992! My birthday is 9/18 just a few years difference...

SIXTEEN, SIXTEEN, SIXTEEN! How can this be? Let me justify this crush 1) he does not look 16 at all; 2) he is ripped, what 16 year old has those arms?; 3) we are both virgo's and 4) he is deep, just listen to his lyrics. Here is a little taste from their song Burnin' Up:
I'm slippin' into the lava
And I'm tryin' keep from goin' under
Baby, who turned the temperature hotter?
'Cause I'm burnin' up, burnin' up for you baby
C'mon girl
Deep right? Puttin' N*sync and Back Street Boys to shame.
They are on their World Tour right now and guess what? They are coming to NOLA 8/15/09! I have to go, front row. Tickets go on sale Saturday. Wish me luck! If anybody can hook a sista up, let me know.
Thank you, bye.

I love you NJ!