Last night I had dinner with my grandparents, Belita and Belo. They are the coolest Cuban Couple in the World, yes WORLD. My friends all know stories but I will give everyone a brief rundown.

My grandmother, Belita, is 5 feet tall. She is a firecracker and had a triple bypass surgery in August. She is 78 years old and up until August was still teaching Spanish to high school girls. She has the thickest Cuban accent. All my friends know my impression of it, for those who don't just try an imagine.
Yesterday I called her to tell her I would be over around 7:00 p.m. I left a voicemail letting her know. While I was on my run yesterday I received this voicemail from her, "Hey Lee Lee, you call earlier but I miss your call, aah okay, I'm here, bye." Those are her typical voice mails. I love how she reminds me that I called earlier and that she missed the call, like I didn't realize she missed the call as I was leaving her a voicemail! Her voicemail is bilingual by the way. She also has this other mysterious voicemail though too. If she is on the other line a different voicemail will pick up. It goes like this, "Hello? You, you have called 555-5555 after de beep leaf your message, thank you, bye." The first 5 times I got this voicemail I would respond after her "hello?"!!!!! It drove me crazy! Got me every time!
More stories to come about these two. I didn't even write about our dinner last night!
Like my grandmother I will end this with "thank you, bye."
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