Why is it that men get better looking with age and women don't? Men peak in like their 40's, while women peak much earlier. Somethin' just ain't right about this. All of you now know I have a crush on Nick Jonas, but way before Nick Jonas there was George. The George.

George is the finest of wine. He gets better and better and better with age. I'm not into older men, but George could sway me. On the Today Show this morning, there was a segment about how 40 is the new 20 for women. Bullshit. They say 40 is the new 20 because of hot celebrity women that can afford botox on a weekly basis! For the rest of us women, 40 is not the new 20. Dream on sistas. I'm a realist and realistically, the majority of us peak in our late 20's/30's. I really wish it were the other way around. I wish men would peak early and then get FAT and BALD. I know some men do get fat and bald, but a lot get hot. For example, George Clooney (#1), George Strait (maybe its the name George?), Sean Connery, Antonio Banderas, Viggo Mortensen, Hugh Jackman, Jon Bon Jovi, etc.
Please note that I do not like to date young boys (Nick Jonas) or older men (George Clooney). These are
Thank you, bye.

(George likes pugs! Awwwww.)
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