Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Special Powers



My roommate Sarah and I have an ongoing debate regarding special powers. The question is this:

If you could have one special power, what would it be?

MY choice is the obvious choice, Teleportation. If I could have one special power, I would want to be able to teleport anywhere I wanted to be with the snap of my fingers! I would also make teleporting my business. I would charge people to teleport them around the WORLD. Just think, no more airport lines or wait! Just snap of my little fingers and BAM, you're in London Town!

This is me ^ teleporting to Greece.

Sarah's choice is lazy. She said her special power would be "getting ready power, a.ka. lazy power." She wants to be able to just snap her fingers and be ready to walk out the door. Showered, hair fixed, make-up on, and dressed. Retardedddddd...

So this is where the story gets funny. The two of us will randomly debate about these powers as if we really will ever possess them! We debate like we actually have the powers! For example, if I'm tired one day and don't feel like getting ready for something I have to do, Sarah will chime in all excited and say this:

Sarah: Don't you wish you had my special power?!?!

Me: Oh you bitch!

She always tries to get me with her special power when I'm WEAK! Whenever I'm hungover or tired she will bring her stupid power up! Naturally, I do the same to her. Whenever she fusses about having to drive somewhere I chime in with this:

Me: Don't you wish you had my special power?!?!

This is an ongoing battle. Neither of us will say the other power is better. I stand by teleporting and she stands by the lazy power.

A few weeks ago Sarah and I were in NOLA with some friends at lunch on a Sunday. Of course we brought the special power discussion to the lunch table. I believe three people at the table said they agreed with me and would choose teleporting, but our friend Cutler had a great one! She said this:

Cutler: If I could have a special power it would that whenever I reached in my pocket for money I needed I would have the exact amount I needed.

GENIUS! Where ever you go you have the money you need!

What would your special power be?

Thank you, bye!

Sarah + That Cuban Girl

P.S. Congrats to Sarah on her new job!!!!


  1. I've always wanted to be able to teleport. Is that a super power?

  2. Yes, it is a super special power! The best power!

  3. and you are here
