(Say Whaaat?)

America's Next Top Model (ANTM) is my personal Tyra favorite. IF she tells/shows contestants how to "smile with their eyes" one more time I swear I'm going to jump through the T.V. and gouge both of her eyes out! The ANTM house is full of pictures of Tyra. They are all over the house! Anywhere you look you see Tyra. Before every panel judging the show zooms in on a photo of Tyra from some modeling shoot. I know those pictures are old because home girl does not look like that anymore!
The Tyra Banks Show makes me want to barf too. She did an episode on farts! I did not watch that episode, nor do I watch any of her lame ass episodes, but I occasionally glance at them to see what ridiculous shit she is talking about.
Oprah, Jr. is out of control. She also gave Miley Cyrus a picture of herself from when she was 16 for Miley's 16th Birthday! WTF. You know Miley didn't want that picture for a present. I bet she was sitting there like, WTF? At least give her a nice handbag.
Back to ANTM, on a recent contestant challenge, she had the contestants stick their heads inside a cut-out of old modeling photos of hers to see which model could imitate her the best! She is SO FULL of herself she actually had the models stick their face in a big cut-out of her! I freaked out and had to pause the show to take a picture of this latest stunt! See pictures below.
Gasp first, then laugh.

(Mizz J. Alexander)
Thank you, bye.

OH my! you could not have said it better! She is like a bad train wreck you just cant help but watching!