(The Original Facebook Log In Screen)
I like to live a simple life, free of complications, relaxing and peaceful. When I first joined facebook in 2004 that's just how it was, SIMPLE. Back in the good ole days, Facebook was small and did its job perfectly. It allowed me to connect with people from my past and keep up with them. I was allowed to have one picture and one picture only, my main profile picture. It was a very basic concept and now its completely butchered!
My good friend Cranch, of Cranch Dressing recently told me this, "Remember the days when you were in a relationship before facebook confirmed it..."
Why yes Cranch, I sure do.
Now facebook is cluttered with status updates, quizzes/quiz results, photos ,etc. I mean who freaking cares what zombie or infectious disease they are? Its ridiculous all the nonsense they have added the past five years. I know they need to keep up with the times and make some necessary changes but it just seems a bit much. I do like the photo albums but some of it is overboard and plain trashy (I want to mention one slut here, but I will just be polite and keep my mouth shut ;) ).
(Angel or Devil Quiz, seriously?)If you're reading this and you are a person sending me quiz requests and STUPID SHIT on facebook, please stop. I check the ignore button and never receive anything else from you again. Sorry to be so blunt, but I don't care about "where should you be living quiz" (by the way I took this one for shits and giggles and for the sake of this blog and it told me to move to Tokyo, yeah right). That quiz was about as accurate as the O.J. Simpson verdict...Tokyo and that cuban girl, comical.
I also don't care what Sex and the City character I am. My luck, my results would probably say Miranda and if that was the case I would just want to shoot myself. So stop, please stop sending me useless crap on facebook.
(Where should you be living Quiz, it exists.)I'm on facebook to keep up with old friends and occasionally look at people I no longer like that I am still friends with.
(That Cuban Girl, Back in 2004 when facebook started.)